Como remover a tintura de cabelo arco-íris
Última atualização em 28 de setembro de 2021 por Chauncey Morgan
As cores de cabelo do arco-íris devem ser temporárias. A maioria das pessoas procura truques para fazer o cabelo do arco-íris durar mais, mas às vezes você só precisa do oposto. Talvez a cor que você escolheu não combina com você, ou é apenas hora de tentar algo novo. Há muitas razões pelas quais você pode querer remover o cabelo do arco-íris, mas se livrar do Manic Panic e outros corantes semipermanentes pode ser uma luta. Continue lendo se você está pronto para deixar seu cabelo de unicórnio para trás (ou apenas quer mudar para um penteado inspirado em sereia, aliás!).
Mudar para um tom diferente
Se você está feliz em manter o arco-íris do seu cabelo e só quer mudar cores vivas e semipermanentes, você pode aplicar a nova tintura sobre a versão desbotada da antiga. Por exemplo, se você tem cabelo verde pastel e quer ir para um verde ou turquesa mais forte, você deve conseguir fazer isso sem problemas. No entanto, lembre-se de sua roda de cores, pois as cores opostas acabarão parecendo um tom acastanhado de lama. Por exemplo, passar de um vermelho quente para um verde frio provavelmente terminará em algo acastanhado com reflexos estranhos. Mas laranja do amarelo, vermelho do laranja ou verde do azul? Costumam sair bem.
Deixe o cabelo do arco-íris desbotar
Sometimes, all you need to do to remove rainbow hair is let it fade but it doesn’t hurt to lend the process a helpful hand. If you have been avoiding washing your hair to keep your rainbow hair for longer, start washing it daily (always with moisturising shampoo and conditioner for those parched bleached strands). Forget about color conserving, sulphate free shampoos and cold water rinses, and go at it like you had never colored your hair at all. This can be helpful if you prefer having pastel tones to a fire engine red. However some colors such as purple, blue and green have a tendency to stain the hair and be stubborn. Even if you intend to bleach or color over it, making rainbow dye fade out is always a good start.
Try Non-bleach Methods To Fade Rainbow Hair
People all over the internet have had success using mixtures of Vitamin C pills, anti-dandruff shampoo, baking soda, or dishwashing liquid, to fade their unnatural hair dyes. However, this sort of methods tend to damage your hair and won’t work for all colors and brands. So do a strand test first, and be conservative about it. For a recipe that mixes many commonly used fading agents, check this one out.
Another alternative is Johnsons Baby oil, or similar products by other brands. It works a treat to remove semi-permanent colors from skin, but it also helps fade rainbow hair much quicker if you apply it as a hot oil treatment. Just apply it generously on your hair, wrap it with kitchen plastic wrap or a shower cap and apply heat with your hair dryer until it feels warm. Then leave it on for a couple of hours and wash it off with a clarifying shampoo. This will get rid of a lot of rainbow hair dyes.
Cover Up With A Brunette Shade
It happens, you got a new job and feel that your rainbow color is too much for the office, or just got tired of the upkeep. Since your hair below all that beautiful orange and purple is bleached to platinum, a brown dye will most likely not stick as well as you’d expect. In fact, you can end up with a muddy color that is not what you expected. If you want to cover your rainbow hair with a darker hue, either go to a hairdresser or do a double process, first with a colour that is half-way between platinum and your desired shade. Afterwards use a color that sits a shade above your end goal. Keep in mind that your hair has been damaged already, so you probably want to use a color depositing dye (semi-permanent) instead of a permanent one. And remember, Olaplex is your friend as there will be some damage.
Learn all you need to know about hair color levels in our complete guide.
Rainbow Dye Color Remover
Yes, there are similar products to Color Oops that work on rainbow dyes, but they are specific products for semi-permanent unicorn hair dyes, so don’t be surprised if the regular versions designed for permanent hair dye doesn’t do anything but frizz up your hair. Semi permanent hair dye doesn’t go inside your hair cuticle, it stains the outside of the hair itself. So you will need specific products to remove it, and in some cases the staining may be permanent. For example, red has a tendency to stain very bleached, damaged hair, so you may find your hair still looks pastel pink after removal. They are very strong hair clarifiers, so your hair will feel dry and too squeaky clean afterwards, but sometimes they work. Always do a strand test to see the end result before you cover your entire head on the stuff.
If you are using Pravana or the mythic Atomic Pink you may need to apply more extreme measures, which brings us down to…
Sometimes you must remove all hints of your existing direct hair dye and go back to platinum blonde. This is necessary, for example, if you want to dye your hair metallic colors in a totally different color family than the original. Depending on how much rainbow color is left on your hair, you may be able to remove it using a bleach bath instead of a full on bleach.
Descolorir o cabelo pode ser muito prejudicial para o cabelo, e a maioria dos coloristas fará o possível para evitar chegar a esse ponto. Se necessário, certifique-se de que seu colorista use Olaplex ou um aditivo de corante semelhante e suponha que você pode precisar cortar algumas pontas danificadas para manter seu cabelo com aparência saudável.