Melhores análises de toner de cabelo: nossos produtos favoritos para mechas de bronze
Última atualização em 17 de maio de 2022 por Chauncey Morgan
Loiro pode ser divertido, mas quando se trata de manutenção do cabelo loiro e combate ao cabelo acobreado, nem tanto.
Aqui está o porquê:
Ao retirar o pigmento do cabelo, os tons amarelos e alaranjados ficam MUITO aparentes. Usar um toner para cabelos acobreados é o primeiro passo para manter sua loira brilhante ou sua morena fresca.
Com a infinidade de toners de cabelo disponíveis para diferentes tipos de cabelo, é fácil se sentir perdido e inseguro sobre qual escolher…
Mas você está com sorte:
Nós compilamos os melhores toners para diferentes cores e tons de cabelo acobreado, então descubra qual deles funcionará para você abaixo dessas escolhas rápidas:
- Melhor para loiras platinadas: B UNIQ Purple Hair Mask
- Melhor para loiras médias e escuras: GBG Purple Shampoo
- Melhor para morenas: Truss Deluxe Prime Chestnut Hair Treatment
Melhores comentários sobre tônico de cabelo
produtos | Detalhes | ||
1. B UNIQ Máscara de cabelo roxo para cabelos loiros, platinados e prateados | #1 Para Cabelo Loiro Platinado
Best for Platinum Blonde Brassy Hair
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2. GBG Purple Shampoo for Blonde Hair | #1 For Brassy Blonde Hair
Best for Medium & Dark Blondes
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3. Truss Deluxe Prime Chestnut Cool Brown Hair Treatment for Ash Brunette | #1 For Brassy Brunette Hair
Best for Brassy Brunette Hair
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4. Schwarzkopf Professional Blond Me Blonde Toning |
Ideal for Bleached Hair
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5. Pravana The Perfect Blonde Purple Toning Masque |
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6. Affinage Cool Blonde Illuminator |
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7. John Frieda Colour Refreshing Gloss for Cool Brunette |
In-Shower Treatment
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8. John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Visibly Deeper Colour Deepening Conditioner |
All-in-One Hair Care
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Best Toner for Brassy Hair – Blonde Hair (Platinum Blondes)
1. B UNIQ Purple Hair Mask for Blonde, Platinum Silver Hair
A purple hair mask is just the thing you need to keep your platinum blonde color even.
It doesn’t just get rid of the brassiness, it also eliminates the unsightly yellow tones all the while deep conditioning your hair. It is the ultimate hair care treatment you should always have in your arsenal.
This product boasts of natural oil content that works in nourishing your bleach-damaged hair. It also features UV filters, which help prevent UV rays from breaking down the pigment of your hair.
This is a pigmented type of mask that works in maintaining light shades of hair. It has a violet tone that removes yellow tints and brassiness in silver, platinum, blonde, white and grey hair.
This is a healthier option because it is free from parabens, silicone, sulfate, and many other unwanted fillers that could be damaging to the health.
It offers protection from UV rays. It has been incorporated with UV filters.
This contains nourishing oils like Marula, Jojoba, and Coconut oil, perfect for heavily damaged hair.
It really leaves your hair feeling soft and smooth because of the Vitamin B5 and Soy Protein content.
Even if you just leave it there for a few minutes, it already has a dramatic effect. Some said they used this for only 5 minutes and it already restored hair back to its platinum glory. Just keep it longer on the hair if you need to get rid of more brassiness.
It can be used directly on wet hair. No need to spend minutes drying your hair first.
It is very potent. A little bit of this product goes a long way so while it is a bit more expensive than the previous one, one tub will last you for a long time.
Some said they had issues with dryness after using it.
2. Schwarzkopf Professional Blond Me Blonde Toning
A favorite of hairstylists, this professional toning product is ideal for bleached hair. The Ice version is recommended for platinum blondes as it helps even out the color and prevents the brassiness that can occur later after washing. You can also mix this up with other shades to create a custom color treatment that will work for your particular shade.
A lot of people said this toner got them the exact shade of platinum they wanted. It really got rid of the yellow brassiness that often shows up at the roots of the hair.
It works fast. There were those who said they just let it sit there for 2 minutes and a half and it already did the trick. Just be careful not to let it stay too long as it might just turn your platinum blond a more ash blond color. Keep on checking to see if you already got the discoloration out.
It leaves the hair feeling silky and soft. If you have dry and damaged hair, which is usually the case for bleached hair, you might find this a great choice.
It is quite easy to use. You can squeeze out the content easily from the tube. The nozzle dispenses the product easily.
It has a nice consistency that will allow you to spread the product evenly on your hair.
A tube won’t cost you a lot of money.
One tube might not be enough even if you have medium-length hair. For people with longer hair, they might need to buy 2 tubes.
3. Pravana The Perfect Blonde Purple Toning Masque
This water-based hair toner is an ideal choice for those looking for a product that they can easily include in their hair care routine. This is full of natural ingredients including rosemary leaf extract, Cocoa seed butter, coconut oil, and Arnica montana leaf extract, to name a few.
This really does a good job in toning the hair. It evens out the tone of the hair and gets rid of the brassiness.
It doesn’t require any other product to be used before this one. It is also easy to apply even without the help of another person.
It is non-drying. Even when you leave it on your hair for a long time, it doesn’t strip your hair off of its natural oils.
It works even for platinum blonde hair. You can leave it on your hair for up to 30 minutes to get the desired results.
This product is affordable.
It doesn’t have a permanent effect, so it is recommended to use this once a week.
The Verdict: Which is the Best Hair Toner for Platinum Blonde Brassy Hair?
We think the B UNIQ Purple Hair Mask is the best choice among these three choices because it does what it is supposed to do – which is tone down the brassiness and let you achieve that platinum blonde hair minus the yellow and coppery tones. Best of all, it doesn’t leave your hair feeling dry.
Best Toner for Brassy Hair – Blonde Hair (Medium and Dark Blondes)
As we go down hair color levels, the underlying pigments change. The best toner for brassy hair for darker blondes needs to cancel unwanted yellow tones. In some cases, there will be some unwanted orange hair color as well. The best toner for yellow hair is a purple toner. Usually bleaching hair to blonde is not so damaging as bleaching it to white or platinum. This means a toner that uses a developer is fine and won’t affect the hair negatively.
- GBG Purple Shampoo for Blonde Hair
- Affinage Cool Blonde Illuminator
- Wella Color Charm T18 Lightest Ash Blonde Toner
Find out more about what these products can offer:
4. GBG Purple Shampoo for Blonde Hair
This is the go-to shampoo toner of many celebrity stylists. It is an easy-to-use high-performance hair toner that gets rid of yellow and brassy tones in medium blonde to dark blonde hairs effectively. The photostabilizer UV protection prolongs the life of your color even when exposed to the sun a lot. What sets this apart from all the other toners is its fresh organic compounds. It contains coconut oil that deeply infuses moisture into your hair strands to prevent dryness.
It is a fail-proof product ideal even for non-stylists. You don’t need to play chemist and mix liquids to get the right formula. Simply apply this product to wet hair. The longer you leave it on, the lighter your hair will become.
It lathers well, so you can easily spread it evenly on your hair. It also effectively cleanses the hair as the coconut oil-derived organic components in it have natural cleansing properties that remove oil and grime.
You can apply this directly on wet hair.
This product contains a Keratin component that also prevents fizziness and split ends.
It is fast-acting. In just 2-5 minutes, you can get the results you want.
It is backed by a money-back guarantee and approved by the FDA.
Although the bottle is small, you will be able to use it for a long time because it is not for everyday use. Some people only use it every 3 days and still get amazing results.
It doesn’t have a strong smell unlike other products out there.
Some said they still had to use a conditioner afterward as it still made their hair stiff.
5. Affinage Cool Blonde Illuminator
Restore the luster of your blonde hair with the help of this semi-permanent toner that has a deep conditioning effect. Apply it directly to towel-dried hair. It has a low pH formula that is less harsh to the hair. As a result, you can get hair that feels soft and supple. This product also contains a UV filter to protect your hair from the harsh UV rays of the sun.
Many people said the results of this toner last long.
It has a UV filter that keeps your colored hair protected from the sun’s UV rays.
It actually doesn’t leave your hair feeling stiff and dry.
The smell is actually nice. It doesn’t make your hair smell like a chemical.
You might need to leave it on your hair longer to get desired results.
The Verdict: Which is the Best Hair Toner for Blonde Hair?
While all of the above-mentioned products are good, we recommend getting the GBG Purple Shampoo if you want something that gets the job done and one that is easy to use.
Using it is not rocket science. Even first-time users will not have a hard time getting their desired results with this one.
Best Toner for Brassy Hair – Brunettes
Get rid of the red or coppery tones of brunette hair with the help of the following toners:
- Truss Deluxe Prime Chestnut Cool Brown Hair Treatment for Ash Brunette
- John Frieda Colour Refreshing Gloss for Cool Brunette
- John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Visibly Deeper Colour Deepening Conditioner
Check out the benefits of using these toners:
6. Truss Deluxe Prime Chestnut Cool Brown Hair Treatment for Ash Brunette
When it comes to getting rid of orange and red tones from brunette hair color, you should always have this in your arsenal. It provides a good amount of protection for ash and cool brunette hair color. It even offers satisfactory coverage for fine and gray hair. As an additional perk, you can even use this as a heat protectant if you do a lot of styling using hot tools.
You can get your desired results with this hair toner. It effectively rids the hair of orange or red tones for an even color.
You can also correct gray hair with this product.
This product also doubles as a heat protectant spray. You can style your hair using a curling iron, flat iron, or a hairdryer without worrying about damages.
It leaves the hair feeling soft and silky.
It also protects your hair from frizz during those high humidity days.
It is a bit pricey.
7. John Frieda Colour Refreshing Gloss for Cool Brunette
Make your color last longer with this in-shower treatment from John Frieda that is ideal for brunette shades. In just three minutes, it will bring back the natural vibrancy of your color. It can be used once a week for the maintenance of your color. After washing and conditioning your hair, follow it up with this toner. It is free from ammonia and peroxide.
This product creates even results. It really tones down the brassiness and also helps in making the color a lighter shade of brown. Many people also said it made their color shiny and healthy.
One bottle can last you 6 uses depending on how long your hair is.
It can cover gray hair.
It is an affordable product that will not put a dent in your wallet.
Some said this product leaves stains on the hands.
8. John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Visibly Deeper Colour Deepening Conditioner
This is the best product you can find that will tone down the brassiness and bring back the rich color of your brunette without all the unnecessary hair care steps. It is basically a hair care routine on its own given how it comes with evening primrose oil that works wonders in hydrating the hair. It also has cocoa that enhances the dark tones of your color.
It has great results. You can really see how it tones down the brassiness after only one use.
It works even on hair with highlights and lowlights.
You can use this as a conditioner too. It keeps the hair hydrated.
It does a good job of prolonging brunette coloring.
It is easy to use. Just leave it on your hair for a few minutes like a regular conditioner.
Some said this product doesn’t produce enough suds.
The Verdict: Which is the Best Toner for Brassy Hair – Brunettes?
This award goes to Truss Deluxe Prime Chestnut Hair Treatment. How many other toners out there also works as a heat protectant? Use this if you want to keep your hair healthy even when using hot tools. It also has the best results when it comes to toning down brassiness in brunette hair.
The best time to tone your hair is right after bleaching, and your choice of toner will depend on how damaged your hair is. You want to avoid ammonia-based toners because they will damage your hair and stick to color depositing toners. We suggest getting the following toners for bleached and damaged hair:
- Best for Platinum Blondes: B UNIQ Purple Hair Mask
- Best for Medium & Dark Blondes: GBG Purple Shampoo
- Best for Brunettes: Truss Deluxe Prime Chestnut Hair Treatment
Agora que você sabe quais escolher, faça um estoque de sua marca preferida de toner agora e certifique-se de economizar dinheiro em colorações caras. Certifique-se de ler nosso guia para os níveis de cor do cabelo antes de tomar qualquer decisão! Confira nossa página inicial também para obter mais informações sobre os melhores produtos para o seu cabelo.